Isolation Creation | Volume 7

Vol. VII // Days 54-62
Still Life's & Self Portraits during a Worldwide Pandemic

The last few weeks of PAUSE in NYC have felt incredibly busy and in great anticipation for soon lifting some of the restrictions that have been in place since March. I myself will begin returning to work part time in the upcoming week and am equally excited to get out of the house and nervous about being out of the house. It will definitely be a transition that will be documented now that I seem to document everything these days.

For the last few weeks of my complete isolation I photographed and filmed all the visual content for Australian based musician Arrowbirds' new album releasing this summer! I am beyond THRILLED about releasing everything and a newsletter will of course be shared dedicated to that completely. In the meantime, I also did some photos for Iowa based ceramicist Jess of Earthen Ware as well as a wedding portrait for couple who got married during COVID-19! All flowers were provided by the incredible fresh floral boxes by East Olivia that were being shipped straight from the Netherlands to your front door in 2-3 days.