Isolation Creation


It has been a little over 2 weeks that I’ve been in quarantine in Brooklyn, NY. At first it all started out rather relaxing; a few days getting to be spent at home with my plants and my kitty. I started taking more creative self-portraits that I normally wouldn’t have the time to think about. But as the days have continued and the news becomes more and more grim with cases of those infected doubling, then tripling, and then people I know becoming infected, hospitalized, and worse, I must openly admit that I am no longer able to battle the sadness and heavy grief that comes with this. Especially being in New York where my neighborhood has some of the highest number of cases in the city. 

Now on Day 18 I must admit that I am no longer able to battle the sadness and heavy grief that comes with this world pandemic. Each day is more terrifying than the one before. When the sun does shine and you hear the birds sweet spring songs beckoning you to come out and play, they are quickly overpowered with the chilling sirens of ambulances rushing down the road - drowning out any thought of safety you might of naively had. We are not even at the apex yet and do not know when we will be or how much longer this lock down will persist, but it must to keep as much of our community safe.

Inspired by photographer Jamie Beck’s “Isolation Creation” photographs while her and her family are in lock down in France I have persisted with my still life’s and self portraits. They are my little moments of escape into a world of anything else but this. I currently am having to photograph everything on my iPhone (lost my camera battery charger, naturally at a time like this) but I am actually really enjoying the lack of pressure for anything to feel perfect, because nothing is perfect right now.

No other name for this series of images other than “Isolation Creation” seems appropriate. Maybe one day I will change it but for now I will keep calling them that and share more on here in the newest made page for this series (see navigation on left hand side) and on my Instagram and Facebook each day. Below are just a few of my favorites but there are lots more on the dedicated page.

Like many creatives I have had my day job hours cut drastically and am currently on unemployment until this lock down ceases. In no way do I expect any to be spending their money on art during these times and understand the fragile state that many of us are in. That being said, should you be interested I have made several of these images available in the Print Shop for $35 each at 4x6”. Printed on archival pigment paper as open editions and signed. All will go out for shipping once NY is no longer in lock down.