The Gift of Nature | A Secret Flower Garden

The Surrealists believed art was not just about having it but also about the experience of how you received it. Some would even sell their art wrapped in meat-packing paper and you would have to buy it before being allowed to see what lied underneath. The holidays for me have always had a sense of wonderment and surprise surrounding them. Inspired by this idea of spontaneity for the holidays I am offering a “Secret Flower Garden.”.

Enclosed in each Secret Flower Garden $40 set:

  • A selection of (4) 4x6” images from ÆSTHESIA and SYNÆSTHESIA

  • Wrapped in Seed Embedded Gift Wrapping paper

  • Sealed with a Lotus Flower wax seal. Break the seal to see what flower garden you got and then plant the paper to watch it grow and get a second surprise gift!

    For an additional $10 your Secret Flower Garden comes with a pot to plant your paper in (save your waste and recycle to save the earth and give the gift of life to your wildflower paper!).

Limited to 40 sets sold. Each set is numbered.

This makes and for a great gift to that someone special that you can’t be with these holiday’s. Not only will you be giving them the gift of art and a lovely set of flower images, but also you are giving the gift of life and growth with the seed embedded recycled paper that can be planted anywhere worldwide, indoors or outdoors! All orders made by December 20th will be delivered before the New Year.

Over 40 prints randomly selected from for each package

Wildflower seed-embedded paper


For those that have that have that extra-special place in your home looking for a little bit of plant love but it’s too far from a window (thank you 99% of NY apartments) I am making this sun-filled print of “Peony” available at a large format size of 16x24” for $100. This is printed on a beautiful water-color textured paper called German Etching and each print is signed and numbered an edition of 15. This is probably one of my favorite images to date of flowers photos. You can click here to read more and purchase. This will also only be available during the holidays and no longer in the shop in the new year.