

We all know inspiration can come from a myriad of sources. One that has been of particular importance to me recently has been my music. I've always relied heavily on my ipod to get me from point A to point B or even simply from waking up to making coffee. It is my elixir of life (behind coffee of course) and in New York that has never been more true. Riding the subway can be fun and you can people watch and eavesdrop on random but sometimes ever so interesting conversations but sometimes when it's early and your body is screaming at you to go back to sleep because it's cold and human beings weren't mean to survive this kind of weather (otherwise we would have fur everywhere) music is that source to influence our mind and souls in ways that only sound waves can.

As you regular readers know by now Queen B has been a powerful inspiration source for me especially upon my move to the big apple. After seeing her performance at the opening of the Grammy's I felt the need to create a playlist that would make me feel like a bad ass, powerful, sexy, dominating, ready-to-take-over-this-city bitch. Please note that when I say bitch I don't mean it as an insulting slur but as an empowering, strong independent woman. Some feminists may disagree with this use of the word but I guess we will just have to agree to disagree. That said below you will find my Bitch playlist and hopefully it will give you the empowering confidence it gives me and may it make your commute to work transform from a drudge into an exhilarating adventure. The outfit is from a day last week I was feeling especially bitchy; fox mask because why the hell not ;)

Snow Daze

As you may know already it snowed in New York last week (and then this weekend) and being a girl who has lived in Florida for the past 8 years it has truly been a magical thing to experience. I got to spend the the whole day playing and taking pictures although, after an hour I could no longer feel my fingertips or toes but details, details.....

When I lived in North Carolina it would usually snow every winter at least once but it would dust over, stop, and then start up again; in New York it literally never stopped. From 9 am until midnight the flakes just kept falling and falling and falling and I felt like it was snowing just for me. If you had seen me on the street I might have looked a little crazy because of how big I was smiling. 

I went and sat by the water as I tried to make out the Williamsburg bridge through the fog and documenting how differently the neighborhood looked covered in a new terrain. I even managed to travel into the city to visit a friend and see how despite the weather people keep going to work, school, or whatever. When the sun finally set it was even more magical seeing each flake sparkle in the car headlights and street lights. By now most of the snow is gone and definitely no longer white from dirt and such but I'll be counting down the days until snow and I get to have another awe inspiring experience.

Bedford Avenue

Since I have not started any job yet I've had quite a bit of time on my hands to be able to really browse my neighborhood and the people in it. Like I mentioned before it is so inspiring to find the handful's of people that dress in ways that make your jaw drop but on the other hand I feel like everyone I have seen in New York is absolutely beautiful. Not fashion magazine, beauty campaign beautiful but just down to earth, knowing exactly who they are and what they want out of life beautiful. It's not the kind of beauty that you try to have it's the kind that you earn by loving yourself and pushing yourself each day at a time. Outside of the people I am in awe of the street art here as well. Graffiti art on the streets of Miami and 2nd avenue is nothing new but it's completely different territory compared to the wheat pasting I've discovered on every corner in Brooklyn. The colors and humorous designs make walking the streets on a miserably bleak day surprisingly playful and up beat. These photos are from my adventures on the streets recently, today I woke up to snow so you can assume where I'll be all day (snowman, parks, photos, snow ball fights perhaps...New York peeps hit me up if you care to join).