The 36-24-36 Project


A body positive series about beauty outside the three numbered guide of the “perfect measurements”, born out of a intimate photo session between myself and childhood friend and model/body positive activist, Lauren Karaman, in 2018. These numbers are projected upon women for an idealized standard of beauty that is toxic, both mentally and emotionally, and spiritually degrading to loving our natural beautiful selves in our natural and beautiful skin.

After photographing Lauren in my home studio for a concept she was interested in exploring that confronted body issues she was dealing with at the time, we decided to open up this opportunity to others who also wanted to have similar conversations. Within 8 months we photographed and interviewed over 60 people from around the world, built a website and social media campaign called “I Am #MoreThanMeasurements”, and showcased photos from the project in Washington D.C. and NYC. The work continues on today with Lauren and a team of women who have participated in the project and who continue to help push this important work as they develop workshops and other ways to engage with and support the community.