Links a la Mode

This week I submitted my blog post It's all about me, I mean you, I mean me to IFB's Links a la Mode and was very questionable as to whether it would be accepted for their weekly round up or not as they usually focus on more fashion related topics rather than rants about the psychological view of women. However I was clearly proven wrong when I saw that in fact my article was chosen  along with one of my favorite bloggers Moiminnie's recent blog post about the question of perfection in our society, the blogging world, and ourselves.  So thank you IFB for supporting not only the fashion bloggers but those that question what fashion blogging is really all about. 

Happy Halloween!
Edited by: Taylor Davies
I want to start this week’s Links a la Mode by very quickly and briefly sending out thoughts and prayers to those most severely affected by Superstorm Sandy. We had a lot of great submissions this week, many of them Halloween themed! From Beetlejuice pants to costumes a la Anna Wintour and Victoria Beckham, and appropriately dark black lace. We also had some very thoughtful, introspective posts on the self, personal style and a blogger donating her hair to locks of love.